AVMA releases FAQ on antimicrobial use and resistance

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The AVMA has developed a new document, "Frequently Asked Questions about Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance," to provide members of the public with scientific information and the AVMA stance on the subjects.

According to the FAQ, "antimicrobials are an important part of the veterinarian's toolkit, and veterinarians agree that they should be used judiciously and in the best interest of animal health and public health."

The document offers basic definitions of microorganisms, antimicrobials, antibiotics, susceptibility, and resistance. The FAQ also explains antimicrobial use in animals and possible causes of antimicrobial resistance, presents the case against severely restricting antimicrobial use in animals because of potential negative effects on animal welfare and food safety, and discusses efforts to address antimicrobial resistance.

In addition, the document covers European restrictions on antimicrobial use in animals and outlines the reasons why the AVMA opposes the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (H.R. 1549/S. 619) under consideration by Congress.

The FAQ is available here.