Nominations sought for working groups of the AVMA Panel on Depopulation

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The AVMA will convene a Panel on Depopulation and is seeking a diverse group of individuals to serve on working groups to develop guidance on techniques appropriate for the various species.

Demonstrable expertise is needed in depopulation techniques or their application to one or more of the following species and facility types: poultry, cattle, swine, small ruminants, equids, aquaculture, companion animals (animal control and sheltering), laboratory animals, zoo animals, and wild animals.

While developing the 2013 edition of the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, the Panel on Euthanasia determined additional direction was needed on depopulation, that is, the rapid destruction of large numbers of animals in response to disease outbreaks and other emergencies. The Department of Agriculture is supporting the depopulation panel’s work through a cooperative agreement with the AVMA.  

Members of the panel itself will be selected from those chosen for its working groups.

To nominate oneself or another person, complete and return the nomination form with the requested supporting documentation to the AVMA by May 15. Visit the AVMA website for a PDF version of the form as well as additional information about the panel and its working groups.

Questions about the panel or the nomination process should be directed to Elana Kritikos in the AVMA Animal Welfare Division at ekritikosatavma [dot] org (ekritikos[at]avma[dot]org).