Recalls & safety alerts

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Palmaz Genesis transhepatic biliary stents mounted on a balloon catheter (Opta Pro)

Recall date


Cordis US Corp Palmaz Genesis

Lot code/Notes

Catalog #PG2990BPS -
Lot numbers 82184806, exp. 12/31/2022;
82191321, exp. 3/31/2023; and
82208532, exp. 10/31/2023.

Catalog #PG2990BPX -
Lot numbers 82185924, exp. 1/31/2023; and
82208528, exp. 10/31/2023.

Catalog #PG3990BPS -
Lot numbers 82180267, exp. 10/31/2022;
82191527, exp. 3/31/2023;
82193089, exp. 5/31/2023; and
82206059, exp. 10/31/2023.

Catalog #PG3990BPX -
Lot numbers 82208524, exp. 11/30/2023; and
82211296, exp. 12/31/2023
Due to potential stent dislodgement/failure of 2 specific sizes of the device